Russia: Ratings for trade fairs

A ratings system for trade fairs now exists in Russia. It ensures more fairness and transparency, emphasises the leading Russian exhibition company Expocentre.

All certified trade fairs of the last two years are taken into account. (Photo: Expocentre)zoom
All certified trade fairs of the last two years are taken into account. (Photo: Expocentre)

In the financial sector ratings rank the solvency of debtors. Names such as Standard & Poor‘s or Moody‘s and Fitch are familiar today to almost anyone who watches TV. The ratings system in the Russian exhibition industry differs, since it is based on other principles: “Rating agencies draw up their evaluations based on forecasts,” explains Andrey Zhukovsky, “with fluctuating accuracy.” Or, as the Deputy Director General of Expocentre in Moscow puts it more bluntly: “These ratings are not reliable enough.” He is referring to the international financial crisis of the past few years, when banks and firms went bankrupt, despite top ratings. In contrast, the Russian exhibition rating system is based on “true and precise data, collected by respected auditors,” stresses Zhukovsky, who is also Chairman of the Research Committee of the Russian Union of Exhibitions & Fairs (RUEF).

The exhibition evaluations were initiated by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation (RF CCI) and the RUEF. It is conducted by the auditing organisation RussCom IT Systems. “Exhibitions are rated that are held by domestic or foreign organisers in Russia,” explains Andrey Zhukovsky, “whose format is partially or completely B2B.” An independent auditor verifies the statistics of these exhibitions: net space, exhibitor and (professional) visitor attendance, and the number of participating countries have to be certified. These four categories also constitute the framework of the rating system. If an exhibition rates at the head of one category, it receives the title of “The Largest Exhibition in Russia on a given subject in a given nomination” in a certain period – at present, 2011-2012. If it tops all criteria, then it becomes “The Best Exhibition in Russia in 2011-2012 on a given subject in all nominations”. Such titles increase the prestige of an event substantially.

“The trade fair rating system is based on data collected by renowned auditors,” says Andrey Zhukovsky. (Photo: Expocentre)zoom
“The trade fair rating system is based on data collected by renowned auditors,” says Andrey Zhukovsky. (Photo: Expocentre)

As soon as an event statistic is checked it is included in the rating system. “The ratings are drawn up at the beginning of every calendar year,” says Andrey Zhukovsky. “All the certified exhibitions of the last two years are taken into account, divided into 51 subjects and industries.” The evaluation scheme provides all entrepreneurs and business people with simple, clear, and reliable data. Thus they can choose where to participate according to their marketing objectives. “Unfortunately, unfair competition is still a major challenge in Russia,” argues Zhukovsky. “Our country hosts approximately 2000 exhibitions,” he analyses. “Among them, exhibitions by organisers who announce performance figures that have nothing to do with reality.” Based on such false figures some business people opt for second- and third-rate exhibitions. “This hits quality exhibitions and the economy of the country.” Ratings for exhibitions supervised by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation (RF CCI) and the RUEF offer a tool to clear up the situation on the market (


Top results for food processing

Diverse Messen der führenden Messegesellschaft Russlands, Expocentre, sind die nationale Nummer eins und daher im Rating entsprechend vorne. Zu den Top bewerteten Veranstaltungen zählt die seit 1996 ausgetragene Agroprodmash. Sie ist die bedeutendste russische Plattform für Lebensmittelverarbeitung und gleichzeitig auch die wichtigste Branchenschau für die GUS-Staaten. Ihre 18. Ausgabe findet vom 7. bis 11. Oktober 2013 wieder auf dem Messegelände von Expocentre in Moskau statt. Präsentiert werden unter anderem Maschinen, Ausrüstung und Zutaten für die Milchwirtschaft, die Fleischindustrie, das Backgewerbe oder die Getreideverarbeitung. Gleichzeitig widmet sich die Agroprodmash auch Themenfeldern wie der Konservierung für die Lagerung und den Transport von Lebensmitteln. Unter den gezeigten Exponaten befinden sich wie in jedem Jahr zahlreiche Branchenneuheiten. Der Ereignischarakter und die Möglichkeit, Geschäftskontakte zu knüpfen oder zu vertiefen, kommt an: Im Vorjahr trafen sich 670 Aussteller aus 34 Ländern und rund 25.000 Fachleute aus aller Welt.

Agroprodmash (Photo: Expocentre)zoom
Agroprodmash (Photo: Expocentre)

Various exhibitions held by the leading exhibition company in Russia, Expocentre, are number one nationally and thus enjoy top ratings. One of the highest rated events is Agroprodmash, held since 1996. It is the top platform for food processing and at the same time the most important exhibition for the industry in the CIS countries. Its 18th edition will take place from 7 to 11 October 2013 on the Expocentre fairground in Moscow. The trade fair will showcase machines, equipment, and ingredients for the dairy, meat, baking, and grain-processing industries, as well as food preserving equipment for food storage and transportation. As in previous years, the displays will feature many innovations for the industry. Its event character and the possibility of establishing or intensifying business contacts has driven attendance: Last year 670 exhibitors from 34 countries and about 25,000 professional visitors from around the world convened at Agroprodmash. Prospects are just as positive for this year’s edition. This is linked to the comparably positive economic figures for Russia, but above all with the strong growth of the food sector. The Russian food sector has a current volume of about 55 billion Euros and is developing rapidly. In recent years it has reported annual growth of more than ten percent (


Author: Peter Borstel

This article was published in TFI issue 2/2013


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